— Siro Industry

June, 2016 Monthly archive


What does Plato has to do with Brexit? Everything.

According to the clever Greek philosopher, knowledge and critics are different.
Broadly speaking (I’m not good enough to do a Plato’s philosophy critic) knowledge is universal and should be achieved via inductive thinking. You can get it through logic and math because they have rules and principles that are always valid, no matter what.

By opposite, criticism is mostly reached through sense-perception.

However, when it comes to sense-perception, it can easily be influenced by so many variables that we can’t even image. To make it clear, let’s just think for a second about what the taste of a glass of delicious Italian Valpolicella red wine is after a rare-cooked steak compared to it after a sweet dessert. You may (should) have two complete different perceptions of the same wine.

This little and simple concept (that has been reviewed on the years, but that we can take as good for this purpose) works not only with wine tasting and other things, but also with thoughts and ideas.

As we said on my last post about society and how it influenced our vision of the world, we are constantly influenced by so many variables around us that most of the time we don’t even realise it.

And here is when Brexit gets in.
Why people voted leave? Why should they have voted remain?
Whatever the arguments are, fact and data based or just created to support a specific position (sophists have a long tradition in debates) people consider them according to their perception, and so, priorities.

With the media playing a megaphone role echoing our own ideas, everyone tends to get stuck with its position based on perceptions of what other with the same perceptions are saying and arguing.

So what should we have to do to be better people and try to pursuit a less perception-influenced vision of things?There are very different positions about it, but I’d like to give you my own view on it.

I think that the most important thing to do is, as always, doing the basics right.

In this case it means, be aware that we live in a perception-based world and that there is not right or wrong but just perceptions. We can have an argument that is more valid for the long run, but the priority of the long run is again a perception. We can say that collective is more important than individual but guess what, it is again the result of a perception.

So the outcome of this post is this: if you see yourself quite confident with a particular issue, while people around you (even one) don’t think in the same way, obligate yourself to understand what the perceptions that influence you and the others are.

We must not think that our sense-perception based ideas are timeless knowledge.
We are affected by time, society, and conceptual frame-works. We grew up in them, we give them for granted without even know how they influence us.

On the opposite, we must be doubtful about ideas and positions, and at the same time make other people doubtful about them. This is the only way to generate a constructive debate on a particular decision.

We don’t have knowledge about everything, we have perceptions.

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covent garden

We have been said that human being is a social animal, and along with that that society influences who we are and who we will be.

In my opinion this is one of the biggest truth of our lives, but we seldom think about it.
How society affects me? Can I do anything to do it rightly?

I think that these two questions lie behind them two really thought provoking concepts.
Let’s proceed with order.

The former concept is society.
When it comes to it, we can say that society is a group of people we usually get involved with. They can be your lifetime friends, your colleagues or people you met on particular events or club and you started hang out with.
However, this is not enough. In order to increase what we can be, we should consider society in a broader prospective. If we think for a moment of people we meet as concepts or ways of thinking about things, we will easily be able to do the opposite process: creating “societies” from concepts and ways of thinking we get from other resources.

In this case it means that we are actually what we listen, see, read and not only hang out with.

Therefore, if we keep this in mind, we can shape our next ourselves by getting involved with resources that “talk” about concepts and ways of thinking about things in a particular way that characterised our ideal ourselves of the future.

However (and this starts the hard part), when it comes to think and design myself of the future, we may want it to be the best it can be. The right one.
And now we open the question. What does right mean?

This is one of the biggest unresolved questions of philosophy (for what I know).

However, while we wait to have the right formula, we stand in the middle between Epicurean and Stoics, between short term pleasure and long term virtue.
This is not going to end well because, in my opinion, everyone tends to prefer a side of the two ideologies (to simplify 5000 years of philosophy) according to its ideas and its way of thinking about things.
However, as we have said, most of the time this is influenced by the society we get involved with and therefore we are in some way trapped in a conceptual cage (it’s not that far from the more famous cave).

If it’s the case, the only key to open it is brought by chance: a forgotten book that no-one has read, a new colleague that has a different view of the world.

Well, at this point of the conversation the question that we should ask to ourselves is:
What can we do to help chance to get us out from the cage we are trapped in?

I see three main points, but you can add yours in the comments to follow up this post and discuss it:

  • Recognise that everyone is in a conceptual cage
  • Have the courage to get in other conceptual cages trying to understand concepts and ways of thinking about things of the people who live/lived in them
  • Try to pursuit the meaning of right (or good) taking in account all the different ideas you can find in the different cages you’ll get in

Therefore, let’s start exploring!


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